Ljudi koji su pobedili rak obično su u nedoumici kako da se hrane. Koje namirnice treba da zaobilaze u širokom luku, a šta treba da preovladava na njihovom jelovniku? Dr Ejmi Moris, koja je i sama pobedila opaku bolest, dala je ključne savete o ishrani.
Dr Ejmi Moris, stručnjak za oporavak od raka, otkrila je svojim pratiocima na TikToku koje dve namirnice treba izbegavati ako ste imali tumor, a koje dve jesti.
Šta jesti posle raka?
„Ja sam stručnjak za oporavak od raka i pre šest godina sam preživela rak u trećoj fazi. Prvo, jedite što više pasulja i mahunarki generalno. Bogate su vlaknima i mogu da smanje rizik od vraćanja raka. Druga stvar koju treba pojačati su nemasni proteini“.
@dramycancerrecoveryHands up if you are confused about what to eat after cancer! 🙌🏽 A client came to me last week literally in tears. She was SO confused on what she should be eating after cancer. ⁉️Meat – yes/no? ⁉️Sugar – yes/no? ⁉️Alcohol – yes/no? Every time she had a sip of red wine or ate a piece of chocolate, she would stress out about her cancer coming back. She was completely lost and scared. Sound familiar? There is so much misinformation online that you MUST end the google searches. Instead ask a cancer expert – that’s me! You can feel confident about what you are eating and how you are fuelling your body after cancer. You just need to learn the basics. You can do this! The Cancer Freedom Program helps women be free from the stress surrounding eating after cancer. Time to feel confident about what you are eating and be free of cancer stress. Click the link in my bio to apply now! #cancernutrition #anticancerfood #cancersux #fcancer #fuckcancer #fucancer #fightcancer #cancerblogger #beatingcancer #beatcancer #stupidcancer #lifeaftercancer #lifeafterbreastcancer #cancersupport #remission #cancerrecovery #chemorecovery #cancerremission #cancercoach #cancerjourney #mastectomy #scanxiety #lumpectomy #doublemastectomy #hysterectomy #radicalhysterectomy #bilateralmastectomy #mdanserson #sloankettering #mdandersoncancercenter
Koje namirnice izbegavati?
Dr Ejmi Moris je u snimku dalje upozorila koje namirnice treba izbegavati.
„Prvi je alkohol. Alkohol povećava rizik od raka ili ponovne pojave bolesti. Ako možete izbegavajte ga ili bar smanjite. Druga stvar su mesne prerađevine – kobasica, slanina, delikatesno meso, sve ono što je jasno povezano sa povećanjem rizika od raka. Zato ih izbegavajte ili ograničite koliko god možete“, savetuje dr Moris.
(Žena Blic)